Minutes of CCCfarming physical meeting in Lyon at EAAP on 29th of August 2023

Present: Valentina Becciolini, Diana Ruska, Kaspars Naglis Liepa, Violeta Juskiene, Bob Rees, Paul Hargreaves, Nadege Edouard, Xavier Verge, Paul Galama, Abele Kuipers.
- CCCfarming was involved in three sessions. It was very positive that all 8 partners were present with one or more presentations!
- Abele Kuipers explained that ERANET SUSAN has let know that the final overall report is expected end of October 2023. A format will be forwarded. ERANET SUSAN has tendency not to be strict on keeping deadlines.
- Bob Rees informed us that Vera Eory is completing the work on the article about Kitchen Table interviews. This is great news, especially because all partners are part of this effort.
- During congress, Sven Koenig has let know that their team plans to submit 2 or 3 articles about the breeding work they did as part of the project.
- Progress with emission measurements analysis was presented during the session by Xavier Verge. He concentrated on relationships of ammonia with the barn and cattle herd characteristics. Some correlated practices could be shown, like ammonia and number of floor cleanings per day and use of matrass. However, no such analysis was presented about the methane data. It appears that those relationships are much more difficult to study. We wait for more explanation on this matter. Fact sheets per farm will be prepared. The outlay was shown before. Those fact sheets provide info to farmer about the outcome of measurements and some characteristics of the farm. Each partner in each country can add comments to the figures, because they know the local situation of that farm
- Progress with the Farm developing plans were presented by Diana Ruska. A Development plan has been prepared for each farm (except for France). There are per country two farms with simulated practices using the ANCA tool and all other farms used the AgreCalc tool for simulating chosen practices. All plans will be or are already send to the partner countries. When there are remarks about a development plan, contact Diana. If no remarks, then the partner country team is urged to send the plans to the farmers and, even better, discuss it with the farm family. Diana in cooperation with Violeta Jukiene will put all plans on the public part of the CCCfarming website. It is also the goal to bundle all plans into one booklet. Diana also asked for explanation about the ANCA calculations / output of the basic situation of all farms. She will contact Marion de Vries about this.
- Kaspars Naglis presented his economic work at EAAP. It was interesting. However, no time for questions and discussion. It would be good to give more attention to this analysis. Therefore, we intend to organize a webinar in which the presentation can be repeated, and discussion is possible.
- Progress with Expert analysis of project results as started during the Italy gathering was explained by Bob Rees and Paul Galama. Next step will be a popular report about expert outcomes of process started at Italy meeting combined possibly with model simulations and calculations. In long run, a scientific article is considered to be ready. This task is important to be completed because we need a good analysis of project outcomes. Also, because WP3 is the weakest work-package of this project, and one more good product would strengthen the whole project.
- Website update by Violeta Juskiene. During the get-to-gather Violeta Juskiene arranged that the power points of all CCCfarming authors present gave permission to the organizing official to down-load the presentations for CCCfarming public website use. Violeta takes action to collect the presentations from other authors. The list of possible articles emerging from CCCfarming was discussed. Overview articles: Sven Koenig his group: 2 or 3 about breeding for lower methane emissions Vera Eory plus partners: 1 about Kitchen table interviews Violeta Juskiene: 1 about acidification (and sensors?) Valentina Becciolini: 1 or 2 (about perspective use of drones) French colleagues Adam Cieslak: 4 or 5 (about nutrition and methane) Diana Ruska plus SRUC + WUR partners: about farm plans? Bob Rees and Paul Galama about expert analysis of results project plus model calculations / simulations?