Minutes of CCCfarming Teams meeting of 20 April 2022
Present: Valentina Becciolini; Matteo Barbari; Diāna Ruska; Kaspars Naglis-Liepa; Gitana Kadziene; Paul Hargreaves;; Adam Cieślak; Malgorzata Szumacher; Lena Fehmer; Nadege Edouard; Katja Klumpp; Caroline Evrat-Georgel; Violeta Juskiene; Marion de Vries; Paul Galama Abele Kuipers
- Minutes of CCCfarming TEAMS meeting 2-4 February 2022 agreed upon
- Program for CCCfarming meeting in Rennes, France from 6 (start in early morning) to 8 (finish at 13 hour) July 2022. Accomodation: Amfitheathre of Institute d’Agronomy. Nadege will send more info about travel and city hotels.
- EAAP Porto 5-9 September. Input from CCCfarming partners is discussed. Paul Hargreaves will send his abstract text. All partners present! Early registration – lower fee - until 1st of June.
- ADSA Climate care cattle seminar in Kansas City Missouri, USA on 19-22 June 2022 Sven Koenig, Peter Groot Koerkamp and Abele Kuipers will represent our project there.
- 1e. Valentine Becdciolini will participate to the ECPLF congress which is focused on precision livestock farming (https://www.vetmeduni.ac.at/ecplf2022/ecplf) and held in Vienna 29/08 to 02/09. Topic of presentation: A UAV-based system for greenhouse gases and particulate measurement in livestock farms. PP will be send to CCCfarming website.
- Publication study farm data (WP1.2) UNIFI; report ready for website; also report about measurement techniques and drones almost ready.
- Progress with NPC data and tools (WP1.4) Marion de Vries Marion explains. France did not join 2020; will do 2021/22. Germany works only with AgreCalc.
- Emission outcomes with the IDELE/INRAE Excel calculation file. Please, send only the Excel files to Xavier. (WP 1.5). Latvia, Lithuania and Italy did already 4x measurements; Poland is planning to do measurements in this spring time; Netherlands in summer time during grazing period; Germany is still adding data; Scotland is starting (problems with suitcase) Abele Kuipers emphasizes that it would be beneficial to the dataset if one country also takes measurements in wintertime at temperatures substantially below zero degrees.
- Nutrition Research (WP2.3) Partner PULS explains about options for nutrition research. They did not get permission of naming the active substance of the methane blocker. Now they consider working with active carbon. Discussion is going on.
- Planning of execution of WP3 Kaspars Naglis-Leipa and Diana Ruska and a Dutch team member will visit SRUC team in week of June 6th to work on WP3. Next steps will be discussed and outlined:
- Agrecalc tool – exercise with examples of making more runs by inputting alternative practices; define a set of manageable practices.
- Define some manageable practices for ANCA tool
- Procedure for collecting manageable and useful practices (2?) for each study farm to be simulated with the NPC tool (with help of local team member).
- Advise of Paul Hargreaves: “Important to manage the expectations of the farmers”.
- Making scheme (procedure, time line, etc.) for applying Agrecalc on most study farms and ANCA on 1 or 2 farms per partner country.
- Outline guideline to calculate economic aspects of a certain mitigation strategy / farm practice per study farm in a simplified way; guidance of this activity by Latvian team.
- Making template for describing a short farm mitigation plan (plan to be prepared for each farm by local team); all plans to be collected and summarized by the Latvian team.
- Other steps/issues to be discussed .............
- Mitigation practices/strategies. A table with emission mitigation practices was prepared by Paul Galama, after being collected by the partner countries. The goal is to get a global idea about mitigation practices in the various partner counties. Paul suggests adding additional questions to it for gaining more insight in the use of the practices in the partner countries.

Abele Kuipers 2 May 2022