Minutes CCCfarming TEAMS meeting on 3rd of March 2023

Present: Valentina Becciolini; Matteo Barbari; Diāna Ruska; Paul Hargreaves; Bob Rees, Xavier Verge, Christoph Flechard, Adam Cieślak; Lena Fehmer; Niklas Sölzer, Violeta Juškienė, Paul Galama, Abele Kuipers
Meeting Agenda:
- Opening
- Concept minutes meeting of 6th of February 2023 were agreed upon.
- Physical consortium meeting in Italy - Matteo Barbari and Valentina Becciolini Al partners will be present. The Italian team emphasizes that partners should book the proposed hotels very soon, if not yet done. The bus will leave on early Thursday morning from farm La Fiorida, Mantella in the Italian Alps to Milan and then to Florence.
- EAAP congress in Lyon: session about Climate care dairy farming - follow-up - Abele Kuipers and Paul Galama All CCCfarming partners will be presenting. It will be a whole day seminar.
- WP1.4: N-balances on pilot farms; explanation about progress made - Marion de Vries
The following actions are asked to be fulfilled:
As just presented, hereby the request to provide the final data for Task 1.4 in the CCCfarming project (ppt attached):
- For AgreCalc, please send final 2020 data: UK, PL, NL
- For CAP2ER: LV, UK, IT, PL, NL
- Xavier will inform us early next week if we should enter the data directly in the CAP2ER tool, or send him the recording sheets (Xavier.Verge@idele.fr )
- Please send/forward me the CAP2ER output.
- ANCA seems complete but if there are any issues or changes, please send it to me
- Please let me know which ANCA version you used.
We would appreciate if you can send us your final data by March 13.
- WP1.5: Collected emission and farm management data on pilot farms during four seasons; progress with preparation of leaflet per individual farm, etc. - Xavier Verge explains (in cooperation with Paul Robin)
- Progress with developing farm plans – Diana Ruska
- AgreCalc calculations with chosen mitigation strategies - Paul Hargreaves
- ANCA calculations with chosen strategies - Marion de Vries
- Economic calculations - Kaspars Naglis-Liepa
See PP presentation of Diana Ruska added to these minutes.
- Model calculations WP3.3 - Paul Galama In preparation.
- Progress with deliveries including format for reports/publications (see attachment) Additional attention was given to the deliveries about dissemination.
- Impressions from excursion to Denmark about manure handling – Dutch team A short report about this visit will be produced.
- Closing; next TEAMS meeting Wednesday 12th of April at 13.30 hour by Abele Kuipers, 5th of April 2023