Climate Care Cattle Farming Systems

Development of climate smart care cattle farming systems reducing GHG and ammonia emissions.

Minutes of CCCfarming Teams meeting

Minutes TEAMS meeting CCCfarming 06 of February 2023

Minutes TEAMS meeting CCCfarming 06 of February 2023

Present: Valentina Becciolini; Matteo Barbari; Diana Ruska; Kaspars Naglis-Liepa; Paul Hargreaves; Bob Rees, Paul Robin, Christoph Flechard, Adam Cieslak; Lena Fehmer; Caroline Evrat-Georgel, Niklas Solzer, Violeta Juškienė, Peter Groot-Koerkamp, Paul Galama, Abele Kuipers

Meeting Agenda:

  1. Opening
  2. Minutes of TEAMS meeting of 21st of December
    The minutes are agreed upon. On basis of these minutes, Paul Galama tells that WUR has started with the model calculations with computer simulation program Dairy Wise. A small number of strategies will be modelled. Adam Cieslak tells that an article about "Effect of the essential oil blend Rumitech in a high-forage diet on methane production and performance of dairy cows" is in preparation. This is done in cooperation with Jan Dijkstra from WUR, the Netherlands. Concerning the WUR study "Capturing of ammonia and methane from air", the Netherlands' team will visit Denmark in February to discuss such techniques, including the Danish experiences with manure acidification.
  3. Consortium meeting in Florence, Italy on 22-24th of May - Matteo Barbari and Valentina Becciolini
    The Italian team explains that all partners will be present! They expect a group of about 16-20 persons. Participants are urged to book rooms in the hotels as indicated in mails send.
  4. Climate care dairy session in Lyon, France, August 2023
    The intention is to have a representative from all CCCfarming partners present; then this becomes the final get-to-gather of this project presenting the results.
  5. Progress with collecting information for farm plans.
    Farm plan preparations, explained by Diana Ruska:
    Calculations of mitigation practices with ANCA and AgreCalc have still to be done.
    The choice of mitigation practices up until now is illustrated below (an example of a Farm Plan sheet, see Appendix).

    Economic calculations: Kaspars Naglis-Liepa explains that he is working on it.

  6. Emission calculations for each pilot farm and overall analysis explained by Paul Robin
    The situation with received measurements' data is listed in below table. Especially attention is needed for the delivering of the data from Scotland. In addition, there are questions about 1 farm in Italy and 1 farm in Germany. Next week, the partners will receive questions about particular individual farm values, which still require explanation and validation. Also, Paul Robin and Xavier Verge will create a flyer for each farm/barn with emission data on basis of calculations done. Then these flyers can be distributed to the farmers by the local teams.

  7. Overview of data availability
  8. Country-specific overviews of the word clouds as outcome of the Kitchen table interviews by Vera Eory (send to us before meeting)
    The work-clouds will be sent to all partners. Caroline Evrat-Georgel has now enough info about the kitchen-table interviews for her work.
  9. Framework for expert analysis of results of this project (WP4.5). To be prepared by SRUC (Bob Rees). We plan a ½-day workshop during Florence meeting to devote to this topic of summarizing the results in a systematic way. The CCCfarming project description gives some indication how to deal with this, including a table:
    "The expert analysis will result in a limited number of suitable farm systems in the context of this project to be selected and described with at least two suitable farm systems in each country will be promoted. The systems can vary per region in Europe following a tailor made approach. Efficiency, climate care and ICT will underpin the characteristics of these systems".

  10. Overview of deliveries
    All deliverables are shortly discussed. A lot of work is still ahead. Two articles in preparation are mentioned: one about emission measurement technology (Valentina Becciolini) and one about feed additive Rumitech (David Cieslak). Christoph Flechard has let us know that he presented the topic "Grazing-related NH3 emission flux measurement activities within CCCFarming (WP4.2.1), at the World Meteorological Organization (Global Atmospheric Watch GAW programme) in Geneva. The presentation will be on the CCCfarming website.
  11. Closing
    Abele Kuipers 14 February 2023
  12. Appendix: Farm Plan sheet partly filled in during and after farm visit
